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Team Pennant: Orange
Team Pennant: Mousesports
Team Pennant: iG
Team Pennant: AL
Team Pennant: WE
Team Pennant: Zenith
Team Pennant: CLG
Team Pennant: NaVi
Team Pennant: Evil Geniuses
Team Pennant: mTw
Team Pennant: MUFC
Team Pennant: Complexity
Treasure of Challengers
Treasure of Champions
Team Pennant: TongFu
Team Pennant: EHOME
Team Pennant: LGD
Team Pennant: DK
Team Pennant: Alliance
Expired Treasure of Profound Mysteries
Mega-Kills: Storm Spirit
The Defense 2 Chest
Sithil's Summer Stash
Expired Treasure of the High Tide
Expired Treasure of the Ancestor Spirits
Defense Season 2 War Dog
Expired Treasure of the Pangolin Guildmasters
Mega-Kills: The Pirate Cap'n
Announcer: The Pirate Cap'n
Announcer: Storm Spirit
Skip the Delivery Frog
Speed Demon
Morok's Mechanical Mediary
Mighty Boar
Tickled Tegu
Infinite Waves Loading Screen
Expired Treasure of the Red Mist
Expired Treasure of the Deep Druids
Expired Lost Treasure of the Ivory Isles
Braze the Zonkey
Dolfrat and Roshinante
Stumpy - Nature's Attendant
Mega-Kills: Nature's Prophet
Announcer: Nature's Prophet
Mega-Kills: Juggernaut
Announcer: Juggernaut
Fearless Badger
Trusty Mountain Yak
Nightmare Beacon
Enduring War Dog
Announcer: Dr. Kleiner
Ramnaught of Underwool
Slayer's Glare
Lockjaw the Boxhound
Murrissey the Smeevil
Drodo the Druffin
Toxic Gaze
Assured Victory Shout
Cuirass of the Third Awakening
Sword of the Third Awakening
Bracers of the Third Awakening
Dragon Form of the Third Awakening