Drow Arcana Flawless Victory Gem
Vision of the Seraph Scion - Gem
Phantom Advent Record Gem
Hero Relic (Turbo Enabled)
Wraith King Arcana Gem Bitmask Bucket 5
Wraith King Arcana Gem Bitmask Bucket 4
Wraith King Arcana Gem Bitmask Bucket 3
Wraith King Arcana Gem Bitmask Bucket 2
Wraith King Arcana Gem Bitmask Bucket 1
Earthshaker Arcana Combo Damage Record
Earthshaker Arcana Combo Record
Rune of the Bladeform Legacy
Team Showcase Commendation Gem
Rune of the Foreseer's Contract
Rune of the Duelist Indomitable
Lifestealer's Diretide Shimmer Costume
Emblem of the Crystal Echelon