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Tempest Wing
Expired Treasure of the Malignant Amanita
Deepest Depths
Kupu the Metamorpher
The Llama Llama
Inky the Hexapus
Snelfret the Snail
Expired Treasure of the Shaper Divine
Captain Bamboo
Expired Treasure of Rarities
Expired Treasure of the Cursed Wood
Porcine Princess Penelope
Nimble Ben
Expired Treasure of Crystalline Chaos
Announcer: Tuskar
Star Ladder Grillhound
Wynchell the Wyrmeleon
Double Vision
Bottom Watcher
Expired Treasure of the Forbidden Lotus
Expired Treasure of Tidal Power
Expired Treasure of the Restless Seas
Expired Treasure of the Omniscient
Snows of Frostivus
Radiant Ore
Cluckles the Brave
Black Pool Watcher
Expired Treasure of Dark Implements
Golden Greevil
2012 Polycount Ward
Mega-Kills: Bastion
Announcer: Bastion
Frosty Treasure of Frostivus
Expired Treasure of the Twins
Cruel Diretide
Expired Treasure of the Silent Grove
Expired Treasure of the Hunted Dragon
Augury's Guardian
Prismatic Drake
Na'Vi's Weaselcrow
Announcer: Death Prophet
Blueheart Spotter
Eye of the Ozkavosh
Golden Baby Roshan
Ghastly Treasure of Diretide
Baby Roshan
Skywrath Sentinel
Staff of Faith
Eyeball Fetish
Greevil Egg
Expired Treasure of the Wild Claw
Expired Timeless Treasure of Claszureme
Expired Treasure of the Rogue Knight
Mega-Kills: Axe
Announcer: Axe
Team Pennant: Darer