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Demon Blade of Apocalyptic Fire
Etched Crescent of Yoskreth - Off-Hand
Sash of Yoskreth
Commanding Rod of the Penitent Nomad
Expired Locuthi Barding of the Penitent Nomad
Infernal Pauldrons of Apocalyptic Fire
Turban of the Penitent Nomad
Shoulderguards of the Penitent Nomad
Armguards of the Penitent Nomad
Ceremonial Pshent of Qaldin
Spellbreaker of Yoskreth
Fashion of Yoskreth
Commodore's Puffy Cuffs
Commodore's Curtains
Commodore's Bicorne
Commodore's Kraken Slayer
Spirit of Calm
Grull the Grim Walker
Claive of Unyielding Stone
Blade of Cleaving Swiftness
Heavy Tenderizer
Flesh Ripper
Molten Genesis
Catalyst Cap
Arc of the Solar Divine
Flares of the Solar Divine
Sleeves of the Solar Divine
Blessings of the Solar Divine
Bladed Abdomen of the Brood Queen
Crown of the Brood Queen
Legs of the Brood Queen
Obsidian Blade Dagger
Obsidian Blade Spear
Dark Ruin Crusher
Dark Ruin Mantle
Dark Ruin Gaze
Dark Ruin Helm
Pauldrons of the Crypt Guardian
Bow of the Crypt Guardian
Royal Dagger of the Tahlin Watch - Off-Hand
Royal Dagger of the Tahlin Watch
Steel Horns of Apocalyptic Fire
Demonhide Girdle of Apocalyptic Fire
Ignited Scepter
Mask of Dark Ferocity
Rotten Stache
Bloodstained Britches
Ember Edge
Direstone Liferipper
Rifle of the Great Safari
Sharpeye's Mementos
Bracers of the Seasoned Hunter
Cape of the Great Safari
Hunter's Helm
Assistant's Cutter
Runed Bracers of Apocalyptic Fire
Steel Wings of Apocalyptic Fire
Blade of the Slithereen Exile - Off-Hand
Spaulder of the Bramble Lord
Lance of the Bramble Lord
Buckler of the Bramble Lord