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Shadowshard - Off-Hand
Stone Infusion
Maze of Anguish
Meat Dragger
Dagger of Anguish
Guard of Anguish
Nature's Grip
Shade of Anguish
Heaven-Piercing Pauldrons
Lost Hills Shoulder
Lost Hills Helm
Lost Hills Gauntlets
Lost Hills Bow
Lost Hills Shield
Spines of the Dreadful Abyss
Battleseeker Shoulders
Battleseeker Helmet
Battleseeker Belt
Battleseeker Arms
Flamestitched Suitings Cape
Flamestitched Suitings Wrap and Molotov
Flamestitched Suitings Bandana
Rachel the Morde-bat
Cowl of the Blood Covenant
Blade of the Blood Covenant
Pads of the Blood Covenant
Blade of the Blood Covenant - Off-Hand
Belt of the Blood Covenant
Mantle of the Blood Covenant
Wraps of the Blood Covenant
Nomad's Edge - Off-Hand
Nomad's Barbed Edge
Initiate's Cut
Nomad's Guards
Nomad's Shelter
Tendrils of the Dreadful Abyss
Thrashers of the Dreadful Abyss
Helm of Impending Transgressions
Tassets of Impending Transgressions
Sword of Impending Transgressions
Pauldrons of Impending Transgressions
Tail of Impending Transgressions
Bracers of Impending Transgressions
Wings of Impending Transgressions
Aqwanderer Boots
Aqwanderer Neckbrace
Aqwanderer Crown
Aqwanderer Carapace
Aqwanderer Bracers
Vengeancebound Wings
Cranial Clap Trap
Flowering Treant
Red Mist Reaper's Scythe
Red Mist Reaper's Tattoos
Red Mist Reaper's Mask
Red Mist Reaper's Belt
Red Mist Reaper's Shawl
Cauldron of Xahryx
Formed Alloy Pauldrons
Aghanim's Basher