Rudder of the Glacier Sea
Anchor of the Glacier Sea
Frozen Sigil of the Glacier Sea
Mantle of the Cunning Augur
Staff of the Cunning Augur
Mantle of the Truebark Adherent
Crown of the Truebark Adherent
Beard of the Truebark Adherent
Cape of the Truebark Adherent
Bracers of the Truebark Adherent
Pauldron of the Blood Moon
Skirt of the Divine Flame
Sleeves of the Divine Flame
Headress of the Divine Flame
Sword of the Bladeform Aesthete
Belt of the Bladeform Aesthete
Hood of the Bladeform Aesthete
Shoulders of the Bladeform Aesthete
Bracers of the Bladeform Aesthete
Squid of the Dread Prophet
Shadow of the Burning Scale
Blade of the Burning Scale
Cuirass of the Burning Scale
Shield of the Burning Scale
Helm of the Burning Scale
Cape of the Burning Scale
Pauldrons of the Dread Prophet
Beard of the Dread Prophet
Staff of the Dread Prophet
Coralents of the Dread Prophet
Whip of the Guardian Construct
Bracers of the Guardian Construct
Skirt of the Guardian Construct
Bracers of the Burning Scale
Helm of the Guardian Construct
Chestplate of the Guardian Construct
Pauldrons of Sacred Light
Gauntlets of Sacred Light