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Предметы для Pudge

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Belt of the Royal Butcher
Buckle of the Royal Butcher
Fan of the Royal Butcher
Beard of the Royal Butcher
Doomsday Ripper Weapon
Hook of the Royal Butcher
Bone Crusher of the Trapper
Compendium Bone Crusher of the Trapper
Feast of Abscession
Golden Scavenging Guttleslug
Guard of the Butcher's Wake
Pauldron of the Butcher's Wake
Battleaxe of the Butcher's Wake
Visor of the Butcher's Wake
Arsenal of the Butcher's Wake
Mancatcher of the Butcher's Wake
Girdle of the Butcher's Wake
Surgical Precision Bonecracker
Surgical Precision Buzzsaw
Surgical Precision Mask
Surgical Precision Painkiller
Surgical Precision Tools
Surgical Precision Apron
Surgical Precision Pustules
Doomsday Ripper Shoulder
Compendium Eviscerating Claw of the Trapper
Compendium Hatchet of the Trapper
Compendium Gold Jaw of the Trapper
Doomsday Ripper Off-Hand
Compendium Gauntlet of the Trapper
Compendium Trophy Belt of the Trapper
Doomsday Ripper Head
Doomsday Ripper Belt
Trophy Belt of the Trapper
Eviscerating Claw of the Trapper
Hatchet of the Trapper
Steel Jaw of the Trapper
Hunter's Jacket of the Trapper
Gauntlet of the Trapper
Doomsday Ripper Back
Doomsday Ripper Arms
Compendium Hunter's Jacket of the Trapper
Hook of the Basilisk
Pauldrones of the Basilisk
The Tail Bash
Helm of Tarrasque
Belt of the Basilisk
Spine of the Basilisk
Armlet of the Basilisk
Promo Scorching Talon
Force Hook
Bloodlust Fork
Scorching Talon
Ball-n-Chains of the Black Death
Shoulder of the Black Death
Execution Headclamp of the Black Death
Cuff Hook of the Black Death
Axe of the Black Death Executioner
Wrist Shackles of the Black Death
Crazed Tassels of the Black Death
Insatiable Bonesaw
The Crow Eater
Dendi Doll