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Предметы для Lycan

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Wolves of Ambry
Form of Ambry
Claws of Ambry
Pauldrons of Ambry
Head of Ambry
Belt of Ambry
Heavy Plate of Ambry
Borealis and Puppey, Guardians of Ambry
Midnight Rippers of the Hunter of Kings
The King's Nightmare
Avatar of the Hunter of Kings
Curse of the Hunter of Kings
Trail of the Hunter of Kings
Pelt of the Hunter of Kings
Form of the Great Calamity
Curse of the New Season
Icewrack Pack
Form of the Great Grey
Familiar of the Great Grey
Comb of the Great Grey
Housemark of the Great Grey
Battle Claws of the Great Grey
Sigil Belt of the Great Grey
Royal Cape of the Great Grey
Sanguine Moon Patch
Sanguine Moon Belt
Sanguine Moon Weapons
Sanguine Moon Shoulder
Sanguine Moon Armor
Shoulder of the Noble