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Предметы для Legion Commander

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Crest of the Honored Servant of the Empire
Legs of the Honored Servant of the Empire
Pauldrons of the Honored Servant of the Empire
Bracers of the Honored Servant of the Empire
Helm of the Honored Servant of the Empire
Pike of the Honored Servant of the Empire
Taunt: Fearless Cadence
Armor of the Arctic Hall
Banners of the Arctic Hall
Bracers of the Arctic Hall
Helm of the Arctic Hall
Belt of the Arctic Hall
Spear of the Arctic Hall
Standard of the Sharpstar
Halberd of the Sharpstar
Pauldrons of the Sharpstar
Plate of the Sharpstar
Helm of the Sharpstar
Lower Armor of the Battlefield
Lower Armor of the Sharpstar
Legs of Desolate Conquest
Helm of Desolate Conquest
Bracers of Desolate Conquest
Lance of Desolate Conquest
Banners of Desolate Conquest
Mantle of Desolate Conquest
Baneful Devotion
Bracers of Zhuzhou
Mantle of Zhuzhou
Helm of Zhuzhou
Armor of Zhuzhou
Blade of Zhuzhou
Legionnaire Ray Sword
Helm of the Daemonfell Flame
Spear of the Daemonfell Flame
Banner of the Daemonfell Flame
Armor of the Daemonfell Flame
Bracers of the Daemonfell Flame
Legacy of the Fallen Legion
Compendium Arms of the Onyx Crucible Blade
Compendium Arms of the Onyx Crucible Bracers
Compendium Arms of the Onyx Crucible Shoulders
Compendium Arms of the Onyx Crucible Helmet
Compendium Arms of the Onyx Crucible War Banners
Arms of the Onyx Crucible War Banners
Arms of the Onyx Crucible Blade
Arms of the Onyx Crucible Bracers
Arms of the Onyx Crucible Shoulders
Arms of the Onyx Crucible Helmet
Spear of the Errant Soldier
Pauldrons of the Errant Soldier
Cowl of the Errant Soldier
Standards of the Errant Soldier
Bracers of the Errant Soldier
Immortals Pride Pauldrons
Immortals Pride Halberd
Immortals Pride Helm
Immortals Pride Bracers
Immortals Pride Flags
Helm of the Battlefield
Bracers of the Battlefield
Wings of the Battlefield
Pauldrons of the Battlefield