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Предметы для Juggernaut

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Faulds of the Gwimyeon Warrior
Vestments of the Exiled Ronin
Burden of the Exiled Ronin
Fire of the Exiled Ronin
Sturdy Bracers of the Exiled Ronin
Armour of the Exiled Ronin
Dragon Sword
Taunt: Sharp Blade
Cursed Crescent
Akakiryu of a Thousand Faces
Battle Banner of the Masked
Blade of Cleaving Swiftness
Mask of a Thousand Faces
Kataginu of a Thousand Faces
Hakama of a Thousand Faces
Wraps of a Thousand Faces
Mask of the Many-Sighted
Carved Grin of the Trickster
Ancient Mask of Intimidation
No-Guard the Courageous Edge
Bone Bracer of the Brave
Elder Tusk of the Brave
Death Mask of the Brave
Aspect Mask of Fulminant Rage
Prey-Tracker's Aspect Mask
Fine Bone Bracers
100-Proof Jug
Healing Ward of the Kuur-Ishiminari
Omnishred the Defiant
Kantusa the Script Sword
Relic Blade of the Kuur-Ishiminari
Bracers of the Ebony Tower
Kimono of the Ebony Tower
Grand Claive of the Unshamed
Long-Fang the Grey Blade
Aspect Wraps of the High Plains
Wolf Cape of the High Plains
Stoic Mask of the High Plains
Fireborn Odachi
Visage of the Ivory Isles
Defender of the Ivory Isles
Taunt: For Death and Honor
Four-Fangs the Swordbreaker
Twelve-Tusks the Cape of Boars
Seven-Sealed the Fur Bracer
Three-Fold Mien of the Boar God