Icy Glare of Chimeric Rapport
Barding of Chimeric Rapport
Armor of Mortal Deception
Bracer of Mortal Deception
Turban of Mortal Deception
Eidelon of Mortal Deception
Divinations of the Nothl Haze Bracers
Divinations of the Nothl Haze Headdress
Divinations of the Nothl Haze Skirt
Divinations of the Nothl Haze Stash
Divinations of the Nothl Haze Staff
Oaths of the Dragonborn Head
Oaths of the Dragonborn Wing
Armor of the Demon Trickster
Apogee of the Guardian Flame
Oaths of the Dragonborn Boots
Oaths of the Dragonborn Quiver
Oaths of the Dragonborn Bow
Oaths of the Dragonborn Shoulders
Oaths of the Dragonborn Arms
Golden Flight of Epiphany
Spaulders of the Lost Vigil
Barding of the Sangstrath Fold
Mantle of the Sangstrath Fold
Mask of the Sangstrath Fold
Claws of the Sangstrath Fold
Scepter of the Witch Supreme
Adornments of the Witch Supreme
Crown of the Witch Supreme
Left Hand of the Witch Supreme
Pendant of the Witch Supreme
Fortune of the Five Houses