The International 10 Collector’s Cache

Item Base Banner

Всего: 128


Fury of the Righteous Storm
Ancient Inheritance
Forsworn Legacy
Evolution of the Infinite
Flashpoint Proselyte
Spirit of the Sacred Grove
Heartless Hunt
Signs of the Allfather
Glory of the Elderflame
Ravenous Abyss
Songs of Starfall Glen
Apocalypse Unbound
Fissured Flight
Origin of the Dark Oath
Mindless Slaughter
Beholden of the Banished Ones
Silent Slayer
Herald of the Ember Eye
Lineage of the Stormlords
TI10 Rylai's Battle Blessing
Recycling: Cache item for 2 International 10 Battle Pass Levels
Eminence Of Ristul Loading Screen 1
Eminence Of Ristul Loading Screen 2
The International 10 Collector's Cache
Beholden of the Banished Ones - Golem
Forsworn Legacy - Armor
Forsworn Legacy - Spear
Forsworn Legacy - Shield
Forsworn Legacy - Legs
Evolution of the Infinite Bracers
Evolution of the Infinite Armor
Evolution of the Infinite Hood
Evolution of the Infinite Eidolon
Fury of the Righteous Storm - Kirin
Fury of the Righteous Storm - Head
Fury of the Righteous Storm - Shoulder
Fury of the Righteous Storm - Back
Fury of the Righteous Storm - Arms
Fury of the Righteous Storm - Weapon
Ancient Inheritance - Shoulder
Ancient Inheritance - Belt
Ancient Inheritance - Neck
Ancient Inheritance - Back
Ancient Inheritance - Weapon
Flashpoint Proselyte - Arms
Flashpoint Proselyte - Head
Flashpoint Proselyte - Off-Hand
Flashpoint Proselyte - Shoulder
Flashpoint Proselyte - Weapon
Spirit of the Sacred Grove - Arms
Spirit of the Sacred Grove - Back
Spirit of the Sacred Grove - Head
Spirit of the Sacred Grove - Quiver
Spirit of the Sacred Grove - Guardian
Spirit of the Sacred Grove - Shoulder
Spirit of the Sacred Grove - Bow
Heartless Hunt - Head
Heartless Hunt - Armor
Heartless Hunt - Back
Heartless Hunt - Fowl
Heartless Hunt - Weapon
Signs of the Allfather - Arms
Signs of the Allfather - Back
Signs of the Allfather - Head
Signs of the Allfather - Neck
Signs of the Allfather - Shoulder
Signs of the Allfather - Treant
Signs of the Allfather - Weapon
Heartless Hunt - Off-Hand
Beholden of the Banished Ones - Shoulder
Glory of the Elderflame - Head
Glory of the Elderflame - Neck
Glory of the Elderflame - Arms
Glory of the Elderflame - Belt
Ravenous Abyss - Armor
Ravenous Abyss - Head
Ravenous Abyss Loading Screen
Ravenous Abyss - Weapon
Songs of Starfall Glen - Arms
Songs of Starfall Glen - Head
Songs of Starfall Glen - Weapon
Songs of Starfall Glen - Neck
Songs of Starfall Glen - Belt
Apocalypse Unbound - Arms
Apocalypse Unbound - Head
Apocalypse Unbound - Shoulder
Apocalypse Unbound - Tail
Fissured Flight - Fire Head
Fissured Flight - Back
Fissured Flight - Tail
Fissured Flight - Ice Head
Origin of the Dark Oath - Arms
Origin of the Dark Oath - Wings
Origin of the Dark Oath - Mask
Origin of the Dark Oath - Legs
Origin of the Dark Oath - Tail
Mindless Slaughter - Arms
Mindless Slaughter - Back
Mindless Slaughter - Belt
Mindless Slaughter - Mask
Mindless Slaughter - Off-Hand
Mindless Slaughter - Shoulder
Mindless Slaughter - Hook
Beholden of the Banished Ones - Arms
Beholden of the Banished Ones - Back
Beholden of the Banished Ones - Belt
Beholden of the Banished Ones - Head
Beholden of the Banished Ones - Off-Hand
Beholden of the Banished Ones - Weapon
Silent Slayer - Equipment
Silent Slayer Loading Screen
Silent Slayer - Belt
Silent Slayer - Head
Silent Slayer - Off-Hand
Silent Slayer - Shoulder
Silent Slayer - Weapon
Herald of the Ember Eye - Mask
Herald of the Ember Eye - Brush
Herald of the Ember Eye - Armor
Herald of the Ember Eye - Belt
Herald of the Ember Eye Loading Screen
Lineage of the Stormlords - Weapon
Lineage of the Stormlords - Healing Ward
Lineage of the Stormlords - Arms
Lineage of the Stormlords - Back
Lineage of the Stormlords - Mask
Lineage of the Stormlords - Legs
Коллекционная сокровищница Collector’s Cache содержит 18 эксклюзивных наборов предметов, которые получили максимальное количество голосов. Единственный способ получить эти предметы - купить сокровищницу, которая будет доступна только в течение 30 дней.


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